Monday, August 15, 2011

Mother Tree

I started my 30-day-change-your-life project and here are my first photos! There are 2 trees along my driveway that are 2 of the most interesting trees I have ever seen. They are from the Catalpa family.  The grandmother name, at least here in the mountains, is the Forever Tree. And I believe it.

These trees are very old. The bark bulges and twists and turns as if it can't stand being rooted in the ground!  It is full of nooks and crannies that appear in the oddest places.  Some of the nooks, however, are more like small rooms!  Many years ago my great nephew Zach, was able to climb into one of the nooks are sit comfortably!   I have always wanted pictures of said bulges and twists and turns.  I have been inspired by these trees to use more organic materials in my art.  I find the subtle colors of the bark and the graceful lines very inspiring.  And it was fun to climb up and get just the right angle. I haven't climbed a tree since I was a kid! So-I chose to include it in my repertoire of photos.  I could probably photograph every inch of these trees and no one picture would look the same.  My only problem is that the little camera I bought doesn't quite capture all of the dramatic shapes and contrast, but enough that you can get the "picture". (get it? picture?-yeah I went there!)

I hope you enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for more!  Peace...

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